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(Chapter 1: The Four Hurdles in IELTS Writing Test)


难点一: Academic Writing 学术类写作问题的特殊要求(改错练习)


1. Since private companies don't care much about the public interests, so the

government has a significant role to play in scientific research. (不能缩写)

2. Why these travellers damage the environment should be analyzed. (英式美式拼法不能混用)

3. We must do our best(utmost) to protect (preserve) animals. (词汇用法太嫩)

4. It is clear (manifest) that pornographic shows do harm to (undermine, endanger,

jeopard) the lives of lots of youngster (adolescent).词汇,专有特定的修饰  

5. Nowadays (In present-day society), human beings face big challenges in many areas.

6. In these day and age, many companies have replaced telephone with internet.

7. We are confronted with many environmental problems. They are becoming more and

more serious. (句式,语法)

8. The traffic problem is becoming worse. We must work together to solve it.(句子结构)

9. So individuals, communities and the government all must work hard to fight crime! (


10. We must be friendly to other because the Bible said, "Treat your neighbors as you

would like to be treated." (文化背景,圣经不可用)


难点二: No specific topic pool. 题库大,没有公开,而且题目变化多.







Women and families

Language and culture

Technology and the Media

Development and globalization




Environmental problem





a 分类法

Some high-school graduates go to travel or work for a period of time before they go to

study in universities. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this practice to their


Some people think old building should be destroyed and replaced to make room for new

constructions. To what extent do you agree or disagree

B 替代法

Some people think motorized flight was the greatest invention in the twentieth century. Do

you agree or disagree

Some people think stricter punishment for driving offenders is the only effective way to

improve safety on the road. To what extent do you agree or disagree

Some people think animal experimentation should be banned because they are cruel. To

what extent do you agree or disagree

C 综合法

Some people think students should be allowed to evaluate the teachers' job performance.

Others think this will lead to loss of discipline and respect. Discuss both views and give

your own opinion.

Some people think the government should pay for education and health care. Others think

this is not the responsibility of the government. Discuss both views and give your own


D 裸奔法 (无想法时的救命稻草)

People today can perform the everyday tasks such as shopping, banking or even

business transactions, without meeting others face-to-face. What effects will this

phenomenon have on individuals and society as a whole

Unlike many other countries, police officers in the UK do not carry guns. Some people

think this is a wise policy. To what extent do you agree or disagree

往以下这些方面考虑论点 取第一个字母缩写:


Technology & Efficiency Environment & Health

Mind & Soul Employment & Competition

Society & Crime Culture & Population

Time & Space Money & Fun

Rights & Responsibilities


Tech & Ef Envi & Heal

Mind & soul Empl & Comp

Soci & Crim Cul &Plp

Times & Spa Mo & Fun

Ri & Resp


难点四: 中国考生掌握语法的深度和广度让人惊叹,但是使用时准确度不够

对策: 雅思写作"语法的七宗罪"改错练习


1. Employee can benefit more from telecommuting than employee. (n.可数不可数)

2.1 Work at home using modern technology can greatly enhance our efficiency. (v.原型不


2.2 Children who are raise in impoverished families can generally deal with problems

more effectively in their adult years. (被动语态)

2.3 The problems that are created by environmental contamination is very hard to resolve.


2.4 In present-day society, cultures were becoming very similar. (时态)

3. Intelligent students should not be treated different by their teachers. 副词  

4.1 Countries should pay attention on the disadvantages globalization may create. 介词  

4.2 The Internet has instead of teachers in many classrooms.

5. Some parents do not obey traffic rules himself.

6. These old buildings should be destroyed, new buildings must be constructed. 逗号  

7. These are a great many children think the main purpose of education should be to

afford them pleasure and enjoyment.


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