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现在已经步入八月,距离8月25/26好的托福考试已经不足一个月了,备战托福的小伙伴们你们准备好了吗?这里Samantha老师为大家准备了2018 年1-7月(上半年)托福口语真题的总结,如果这些回忆汇总可以对你们的考试有一丢丢的帮助,我都会很开心的。


2018 1.6

Task 1

It is not easy for people to save money. Do you know some good ways to save money?

Task 2

Some countries have approved “home school” as part of education. What is your opinion on this?

2018 1.13

Task 1 Nowadays teachers tend to leave homework as group assignment rather than individual assignment. Discuss one advantage and one disadvantage of this.

Task 2 When you have disagreement with your friends or families on controversial issues, which do you prefer: to persuade others or to reserve opinions?

2018 1.27


Task 1

What do you think can improve your local community and make it a better place to live?

Task 2

 Some people like to make decision based on their own experience while other people prefer to ask others for help such as family and friends. Which do you prefer and why?

2018 1.28

Task 1 Talk about an experience that was negative when we confronted initially, and turned out positive after we experienced.

Task 2 Professors shouldn’t allow students to record class lectures. Do you agree or disagree to this policy?



Out of teachers, parents, and friends, who do you think have the biggest impact on you in terms of helping you to tell right from wrong?


Do you agree or disagree that we should only engage in activities that we are good at?

2018 3.3


Your school is considering adding one section to its newspaper, which one of the following would you recommend?

1. Local restaurant review

2. Tips and advice for travelling

3. Film review


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that schools should help develop students’ moral values like integrity and others.





Your foreign friend is considering coming to your country to visit, but he/she doesn’t know how to plan the trip. What suggestions do you give him/her?


A big corporation is planning to invest in a factory in your hometown. This factory will create many job opportunities for people, but also bring a lot of pollution at the same time. Do you agree or disagree?



Here are three benefits of smart phones to students, which do you think is better to students.

1. Taking photos

2. Listening to music

3. Recording courses


Some parents think they should prevent their children from making mistakes. Some think they should let them make mistake. Which one do you think is better.



Describe an unexpected change that you can’t imagine ten years ago.


Do you agree or disagree that children should listen or watch the news.

2018 3.31

Task 1

One advantage or disadvantage of universities located in small town or rural areas

Task 2

Agree/disagree  Children should approach computer and other electronic devices as early as possible?



Some professors allow students to have exams at home, then bringing their test papers back to school to submit. From your perspective, can you talk about the advantage and disadvantage of this kind of examination?


When having class discussion, some people prefer to give their opinions immediately. Others prefer to wait and listen to others opinions before giving their own. Which one do you think is better?


TASK 1One of your friends has been working for ten years after graduation. Now he is planning to return back to the university to further study, from your perspective, what kind of challenge or difficulty does he may confront?

Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the statement that interrupting others while others are talking about something is impolite?


Task 1

Which of the following volunteering activities inside the campus is the one you are most interested in?--planting flowers

--picking garbage and plastic in the campus


Task 2 As for important business meetings, do you prefer to have face-to-face meeting or have the meetings through advanced technologies like telephones?


TASK 1 What qualities are most needed in a small company? outgoing and friendly, imaginative or creative.

TASK 2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that protecting kids from being aware of the living difficulties in life at a young age is important?



Nowadays some people don't choose to use social media webs or apps. Can you talk about one advantage and/or one disadvantage of not using social media.


Do you agree or disagree with the statement that it is a reasonable choice to get someone who is influential to help you find a job?


Task 1

  Your friend is going to join in one summer school, then he can get the chance to graduate one year earlier than his classmates. Can you talk about one advantage and one disadvantage of this choice?

  Task 2

  Your university is going to allow citizens from the society to audit classes with undergraduates together without receiving grades or earning credits. Do you think this is a good program and why?

6.2 Task 1

  Instead of printing books in paper version, your college is going to use the online version textbooks. Can you talk about one advantage and one disadvantage of this change?

Task 2

  Some professors prefer to answer students’ questions at the end of the lecture, while some professors pause at different points to answer students’ questions. Which style do you think is better for learning?



  One of your good friends is about to study in a foreign university for one year, after finishing that years study, your friend will have to study another year in his own university to successfully graduate, which means he has to spend one more year to get his bachelor degree. As for this condition, do you have any advice to your friend?


  Some day in the future the library will be replaced by e-books and other electronic devices, and then libraries will no longer exist in universities. Do you agree or disagree with the statement?



  The local school in your town is considering to eliminate its long summer break and to get children to attend schools all year with only several short breaks, like 3 days off or 5 days off holidays. Do you think it is a good idea and why?


  Do you agree or disagree with the statement that the best decisions are made by groups rather than by individuals.

Task 1

  Task1 If a children museum is going to have an exhibition. Which of the following theme will be the most attractive to children? 1. Robot technology 2. Deep sea marine 3. Solar system

  Task2 Do you agree or disagree that we should be complete honest and open to our close friends. Please give specific details to support your opinion.


Task 1

  The government is planning to invest money in a certain field, which of the following field do you think should be given priority to get money support?

  --land exploration


  --health care

Task 2 Do you agree or disagree with the statement that parents should prevent their children from pursuing jobs in competitive fields such as actors, musicians or athletes?

2018. 7.8

Task 1

  From your perspective, what is the common mistake when parents educate their children? Give your explanation based on your own experience.

 Task 2

  When giving feedback to students, some teachers would like to talk to their students in person, while some teachers would give written comments to students. Which do you prefer and why?

以上就是为大家整理的2018年1-7月份上半年的英语口语听力Task1 &2 的真题回忆汇总,希望对各位有帮助。



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